
What is Opthy?

An "Opthy" is a whole new trading instrument with composite features:

  • An Opthy is a two-sided marketplace contract (represented as a functional NFT), wherein one side can have the "Swapper" role and the other side can have the "Liquidity Provider" role.

  • LP’s can create Opthys and configure them with desired parameters. Parameters are:

    • Token 1

    • Token 2

    • Active duration

    • Fixed Swap Rate: i.e. Exchange rate between Token 1 and Token 2

    • Max liquidity provided in Token 1

  • LP’s can also relist their active Opthys for resale.

  • Swappers can pick an Opthy they like from the marketplace and start swapping the tokens on the Opthy.

The Swapper of an Opthy contract:

  • Is provided liquidity in one of the two specified tokens in the contract.

  • They can swap between these two tokens in quantities up to the specified max liquidity of either token.

  • They can swap the tokens on the Opthy unlimited times at the Fixed Swap Rate for the specified duration of the contract.

  • A Swap Fee is deducted from the Swapper quantity for each swap.

The Liquidity Provider of an Opthy contract:

  • Provides liquidity in one of the two specified tokens in the contract.

  • They get paid a fee from any Swapper who is party to this contract.

  • They can redeem the remaining tokens left after all the swaps have settled and the contract expires.

A Liquidity Provider in an Opthy contract can "Relist" their role in the marketplace so long as the contract has not expired. This gives them the opportunity to get paid a fee if another user takes on their role. Plus so much more!

So why is this attractive to users?

  • A Swapper is empowered to swap tokens at a Fixed Swap Rate with the expectation that at least one of the tokens in the Opthy will increase in real value by the end of the contract. Because the Fixed Swap Rate for tokens in an Opthy is truly fixed, changes in the actual global average prices of the tokens present a great opportunity for traders needing to cover margin calls or major moves in market direction.

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